Kara Charana
Kara Charan is a shloka. (See also the video with the interview with Swamini Saralananda) This is a great chant to be done every night before going to bed because it talks about all the things that we have done and might not have done during the day that brought harm, that we could have done better.
The Sanskrit translation is, “Sins born of actions of the body, hands, feet, speech, hearing, eyes or mentally, things which should have been done or not been done, may all these be quelled.”
If we walk through a meadow we might, by sheer walking through that meadow, hurt the grass, what is underneath our feet, we might step on a bug or a small critter and kill it. Even actions where we are unconscious that they were hurtful, may these be nullified.
As well as things that we might have omitted. Things we knew, that would have been a good idea to do, but we did not do it. May all these actions be nullified.
This is a great chant before bed to make peace with everything that was on that day and give it over to the universe, to God, to a higher force.
Click here to learn more about the self-study program of these chants