Expressive Arts as Healing Arts
The Halprin Life / Art Process uses various methods of expression, such as drawing, writing, dancing, moving, visualizing, and vocal use. A natural healing takes place when we use the creative process to reveal the life stories that are hidden within us. When we integrate what we unearthed, we restore our natural wholeness.
In our society we are constantly inundated with news and outside influences. It is important that we take time to process these impressions by expressing them in creative ways. As a participant of the Halprin Life / Art Process you will learn how these creative methods can also benefit you on your own at home. The more expression flows into your life, the more life will flow into your expressions.
Expressive Art in the Group
In the group setting you will experience how you go deeper into your theme using various expressions and how you find a common denominator, an archetype or a myth. Self-created performances form a personal ritual at the end as a way to integrate everything you learned. The focus of that performance is not on the artistic value, but on what you experience and take home from the expression.
No prior knowledge is required.
Expressive Art for You
In a private conversation we address a specific topic that you are dealing with. You will be guided to be creative, explore and play with what is available to you. We will use the 5-part process and the three levels of awareness that form the basis of the Halprin Life/Art Process.
The 5-part process of identification, confrontation, letting go, change, and growth, helps to stay moving through any process. The three levels of awareness consist of body, mind and emotions. They remind us to integrate and balance physical sensations, thoughts and feelings. The result is a sense of a newly found wholeness and integration.
Words of a Participant
“It always amazes me what the body reveals, the creativity that is in the body. I feel like I’m doing things I would not have dared to do before. As a result, I have more self-confidence, security and get to know myself better. The final rituals touched me, life is celebrated, healing is invited into one’s own life. The understanding and cohesion with the other participants was great, something that gives me strength. ”