The last two chants are dedicated to Ganesha and chanted by Swamini Saralananda herself. Ganesha is the creator and remover of obstacles. For the longest time, I only knew Ganesha as the remover of obstacles. I was quite surprised when I learned that he’s also the creator.
After sitting with this new information for a while, it made sense. Ganesha helps us by putting obstacles in our life. Helps us to see how far we have come. How much we have grown and evolved. How much strength and courage we have now.
And if you have obstacles in your life and would like them to get eased away, ask Ganesha for help with either one of these two chants.
We are invoking you who are the leader of the ganas, the poet of the poets. Illustrious one, the supreme king of mantras, the protector of mantras, come and sit with all the protections.
Click here to learn more about the self-study program of these chants