The Hawaiian forgiveness ritual Ho’oponopono was used whenever there was a problem in the community. All participants came together and, under the direction of a Kahuna, spoke out everything that lay on their hearts and soul. The ritual was continued until a reconciliation took place.
In our time there is a modern version of Ho’oponopono. This can also be practiced on your own. In a guided session a reconciliation can be achieved, that liberates you from the problematic situations. This inner work clears up blockages and connects again with the power and flow of love.
Lomilomi is deeply relaxing and stimulates the lymphatic flow. After 20 years on the Hawaiian island of Maui, I offer the traditional full body massage as well as the life experience and the spirit of Aloha. Give yourself an hour of pampering, or if you want to go deeper a whole day of transformation.
Hawaiian Wisdom/Life Counseling
The power of love overcomes all difficulties. Aloha is lived love in all situations. It is a radical welcome of what is. I am happy to accompany you on your path with Lomilomi, Ho’oponopono and the power of Aloha.
For personal guidance click here.